If it's in the sea, it's on our list

Name EN:

Pacific lobster tails in herb butter with salad

Single image:


Ingredients EN:


Recipe EN:

As a starter/snack for 3

200 g Pacific lobster tails, garlic oil or garlic butter, herbs (dill, parsley, etc.), 1 unsprayed lemon, shallots, salt and pepper.

Defrost the Pacific lobster tails (preferably in the refrigerator – or in cold water); lightly season with salt and pepper. Melt the garlic butter in a pan and add the finely chopped shallots. Add the Pacific lobster tails and a little lemon juice. Mix in finely chopped parsley or dill. Stir the whole mixture with a spoon 2–3 times during cooking. The defrosted Pacific lobster tails are ready after approx. 4 minutes, depending on the temperature of cooking. Serving suggestions: salad, dip and baguettes.

Accompaniments: Dip (crème fraîche with dill), baguette (garlic baguette).

Other cooking suggestions: Grill, griddle or in oven. A foil tray is useful for grilling Pacific lobster tails. Remember to oil the tray to facilitate turning the Pacific lobster tails.


Se opskrift på dansk

Name DK:

Stillehavshummerhaler i kryddersmør med salat


Ingredients DK:


Recipe DK:

3 personer - forret/snack

200 g Stillehavshummerhaler, hvidløgsolie eller hvidløgssmør, krydderurter (dild, persille el.lign.), 1 stk. usprøjtet citron, skalotteløg, salt og peber.

Optø Stillehavshummerhalerne (gerne i køleskab – eller i koldt vand), drys dem let med salt og peber. Smelt hvidløgssmør i en gryde og kom fintsnittet skalotteløg heri. Tilsæt Stillehavshummerhalerne og lidt citronsaft. Finthakket persille eller dild iblandes. Det hele vendes med en grydeske 2-3 gange under tilberedningen. De optøede Stillehavshummerhaler er færdige efter ca. 4 minutter afhængig af tilberedningstemperatur. Server med f.eks. salat, dip og flutes.

Tilbehør: Dip (creme fraiche med dild), flute (hvidløgsflute).

Andre tilberedningsforslag: På grill, grillpande eller i ovn. Man kan med fordel anvende en foliebakke til at grille Stillehavshummerhalerne i. Husk at smøre bakken med olie for lettere at kunne vende Stillehavshummerhalerne.


Nordic Seafood A/S

Søren Nordbysvej 15

DK 9850 Hirtshals

T: +45 9894 1533
E: mail@nordicseafood.com

CVR: 11142141

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