If it's in the sea, it's on our list

Name EN:

Calamares with tartare sauce

Single image:


Ingredients EN:


Recipe EN:

Fry the calamares (battered squid rings) in oil until crispy; arrange with lettuce leaves and lemon. Serve with tartare sauce and warm baguettes.

Tartare sauce:

200 g quality mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. natural yoghurt, 1½ tbsp. finely chopped capers, 2–3 finely chopped cornichons, 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion, 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives, 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley, ½ tbsp. Dijon mustard, salt and pepper.

Mix the mayonnaise and yoghurt. Chop all the ingredients very finely and add to the mayonnaise. Season with mustard, salt and pepper.




Se opskrift på dansk

Name DK:

Calamares med sauce tartar


Ingredients DK:


Recipe DK:

Calamares (indbagte blæksprutteringe) steges sprøde i olie, anrettes med salat og citron. Serveres med sauce tartar og varm flute.

Sauce tartar:

200 g god mayonnaise, 2 spsk. yoghurt naturel, 1½ spsk. finthakkede kapers, 2-3 finthakkede cornichoner, 1 spsk. finthakket løg, 1 spsk. finthakket purløg, 1 spsk. finthakket persille, ½ spsk. dijonsennep, salt og peber.

Rør mayonnaise og yoghurt sammen. Hak alle ingredienser ganske fint og kom dem i mayonnaisen. Smag til med sennep, salt og peber.





Nordic Seafood A/S

Søren Nordbysvej 15

DK 9850 Hirtshals

T: +45 9894 1533
E: mail@nordicseafood.com

CVR: 11142141

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